१६ मंसिर, काठमाडौं ।
सबैलाई थाहा छ भारतीय सेलिब्रेटी क्रिकेटर बिराट कोहोली बलिउड अभिनेत्री अनुष्का शर्मासँग सम्बन्धमा छन् ।
फोटोका कारण बिराट र अनुष्काको लभ टुट्दै (भिडियो सहित)
तर पछिल्लो समयमा उनले अनुष्का नभएर अर्कै एक बलिउड हिरोइनसँग रोमान्स गरिरहेको भिडियो सार्वजनिक भएको छ ।
तपाइँलाई कौतुहलता लाग्यो होला कसरी यस्तो भो भनेर । विराटले रियल लाइफमा नभएर अन स्क्रिन मात्र बलिउड अभिनेत्री जेनेलियासँग रोमान्स गरेका हुन् ।
‘अनुष्का शर्मा जवाफ देउ…मैले तिम्रो नाम आफ्नो किड्नीमा लेखेको छु’ भन्नेलाई अनुष्काको यस्तो जवाफ
हालै सार्वजनिक गरिएको एक भिडियो विज्ञापनमा विराट र जेनेलिया रोमान्टिक मुडमा चुम्बन गरिरहेका देखिन्छन् ।
हेर्नुस् भिडियोः
The post बिराट कोहोली र जेनेलियाले चुम्बन गरेको भिडियो सार्वजनिक appeared first on Nepali Headlines,Nepal News, Nepali News, News Nepal.
from मनोरञ्जन – Nepali Headlines,Nepal News, Nepali News, News Nepal http://bit.ly/2gncUb4
संशोधन प्रस्ताव संसदमा दर्ता
के–केमा संंशोेधन प्रस्ताव ?
भाषा : भाषा आयोगको सिफारिसमा नेपाल सरकारले सरकारी कामकाजका भाषा निर्धारण गर्ने विषय संविधानको अनुसूचीमा समावेश हुनेछ ।
नागरिकता : नेपाली नागरिकसँग वैवाहिक सम्बन्ध कायम गरेकी विदेशी महिलाले चाहेमा आफ्नो देशको नागरिकता त्याग्ने कारबाही चलाएपछि संघीय कानुनबमोजिम नेपालको वैवाहिक अंगीकृत नागरिकता लिन सक्नेछन् ।
राष्ट्रिय सभामा प्रतिनिधित्व : प्रदेश सभाका सदस्य, गाउँपालिकाका अध्यक्ष र उपाध्यक्ष तथा नगरपालिकाका प्रमुख र उपप्रमुख रहेको निर्वाचनमण्डलद्वारा संघीय कानुनबमोजिम प्रदेश सभाका सदस्य, गाउँपालिकाका अध्यक्ष र उपाध्यक्ष तथा नगरपालिकाका प्रमुख र उपप्रमुखको मतको भार फरक हुने गरी प्रत्येक प्रदेशबाट कम्तीमा एकजना महिला, एकजना दलित र एकजना अपांगता भएका व्यक्ति वा अल्पसंख्यकसहित तीनजनाका दरले २१ र बाँकी ३५ जना प्रत्येक प्रदेशको जनसंख्याको अनुपातमा निर्वाचित हुने गरी जम्मा ५६ जना निर्वाचित हुनेछन् । तर, प्रदेशबाट ३५ जना सदस्य निर्वाचित गर्दा सम्बन्धित प्रदेशको जनसंख्याको अनुपातमा १४ जना महिलाको प्रतिनिधत्व हुने गरी निर्वाचित गरिनेछ ।
मातृभाषा : नेपालमा बोलिने सबै मातृभाषाहरूको सूची तयार गरी भाषा आयोगले सरकारलाई सिफारिस गर्नेछ ।
सीमांकन : प्रदेश नम्बर ४ मा गोरखा, लमजुङ, तनहुँ, कास्की, मनाङ, मुस्ताङ, पर्वत, स्याङ्जा, म्याग्दी, बाग्लुङ, पाल्पा, गुल्मी, अर्घाखाँची, नवलपरासी (बर्दघाट सुस्तापूर्व), रोल्पा, प्युठान, रुकुमको पूर्वी भाग गरी १७ जिल्ला । प्रदेश नम्बर ५ मा नवलपरासी (बर्दघाट सुस्तापश्चिम), रुपन्देही, कपिलवस्तु, दाङ, बाँके र बर्दिया
संशोधन प्रस्तावमा संसद्को सम्भावित अंकगणित
संसदमा अब के हुन्छ प्रक्रिया ?
संसद्मा मंगलबार दर्ता भएको संविधान संशोधन विधेयक परिपक्व हुन पाँच दिन लाग्छ । संसद्मा सैद्धान्तिक छलफलपछि संसद् नियमावलीको १२७ अनुसार सांसदहरूले संशोधन प्रस्ताव राख्न पाउनेछन् । संशोधन पेस गर्न चाहने कुनै सदस्यले विधेयकमाथिको सामान्य छलफल सकिएको ७२ घन्टाभित्र संशोधनसहितको सूचना महासचिव वा सचिवलाई दिनुपर्नेछ ।
संविधान संशोधनसम्बन्धी विधेयकको प्रत्येक धारा वा उपधारा वा त्यसमा प्रस्तुत भएको संशोधनलाई सभामुखले एक–एक गरी निर्णयार्थ बैठकमा प्रस्तुत गर्नुपर्नेछ । संविधान संशोधन गर्ने विधेयक पारित गरियोस् भन्ने प्रस्ताव व्यवस्थापिका–संसद्मा तत्काल कायम रहेका सम्पूर्ण सदस्य संख्याको कम्तीमा दुईतिहाइ सदस्यको बहुमतबाट स्वीकृत भएमा विधेयक पारित हुनेछ ।
काठमाडौं/सरकारले मंगलबार संसद् सचिवालयमा संविधान संशोधन प्रस्ताव दर्ता गरेको छ । संविधानप्रति असन्तुष्ट दललाई पनि सहमतिमा ल्याएर निर्वाचनको वातावरण बनाउन भन्दै सरकारले मंगलबार बेलुकी संसद्मा सातबुँदे संशोधन प्रस्ताव दर्ता गरेको हो ।
सरकारले संविधान संशोधन गर्न मन्त्रिपरिषद्बाट पारित प्रस्तावप्रति मधेसी मोर्चा सकारात्मक भएको छ । मोर्चाको मागअनुसार नै संशोधन नभए पनि सरकार एक कदम अगाडि बढेको मधेसी मोर्चाका नेताहरूले बताएका छन् ।
मधेसी मोर्चाले बैठकपछि मात्र संसद्मा दर्ता भएको संशोधन प्रस्तावबारे आधिकारिक धारणा राख्ने भएको छ । ‘प्रस्ताव पूरै अध्ययन गर्न पाएको छैन, मोर्चाको बैठक बसेर आधिकारिक धारणा बनाउँछौँ,’ सद्भावना अध्यक्ष राजेन्द्र महतोले भने । मधेसी मोर्चाका नेताहरूले संविधान संशोधन प्रस्ताव पारित भएको अवस्थामा निर्वाचनमा सहभागी हुने ‘ग्रिनसिग्नल’ दिएपछि सरकारले संसद्मा दर्ता गरेको हो ।मधेसी मोर्चाका नेताहरूले संविधान संशोधन प्रस्ताव पारित भएको अवस्थामा निर्वाचनमा सहभागी हुने ‘ग्रिनसिग्नल’ दिएपछि सरकारले संसद्मा दर्ता गरेको हो ।
संशोधन प्रस्ताव दर्ता पछि कसले के भने
एमाले उपाध्यक्ष भीम रावल : प्रमुख प्रतिपक्षी दलसँग भन्दा मधेसी मोर्चाका माग पूरा गर्ने नाममा सरकारले संवेदनशील कुरामा संशोधन ल्याउँदा मुलुक नयाँ द्वन्द्वमा जान्छ । राजनीतिक विवाद बढाउने, निर्वाचनलाई अन्योलग्रस्त गराउने, दलबीच द्वन्द्व बढाउने काम सरकारले गरेको छ ।
गुल्मी २ का सांसद चन्द्र भण्डारी : यो नेपाल विखण्डनको विधिवत् सुरुवात हो । सरकारले विधिवत् रूपमा नेपाल विखण्डनको बाटो खोलिदियो । म भगवान्सँग यही कामना गर्छु कि विखण्डन हुने कुरा गलत साबित भइदिओस् ।
माओवादी केन्द्रका नेता टोपबहादुर रायमाझी : संविधान संशोधन प्रस्तावलाई म मान्दिनँ । पार्टी बैठकमा पनि मौखिक रूपमा असहमति दर्ज गराइसकेको छु । अब कसरी जाने भन्नेमा साथीहरूसँग छलफलपछि निर्णयमा पुग्छु ।
तमलोपा वरिष्ठ उपाध्यक्ष हृदयेश त्रिपाठी : नागरिकता, राष्ट्रिय सभाको गठन र भाषाको विषयमा पहिला नै सहमति जुटेको थियो, समस्या थिएन । प्रदेशको सीमाको सन्दर्भमा पनि सरकार एक कदम अगाडि बढेको छ, त्यसलाई सकारात्मक रूपमा लिनुपर्छ ।साभार – नयापत्रिका
- feed news from http://bit.ly/2ejy7iN राष्ट्रिय खबर – rastriyakhabar.com http://bit.ly/2gTFmm8 via IFTTT
The Pakistani ChaiWala is back in the limelight again, however this moment starring in a music video dedicated to him. The video starts in a news studio, where the support is breaking the news of the ChaiWala’s success, introducing the song. The two rap artists in the video are taken by surprise at Arshad Khan’s unexpected power to attract ladies and also become famous immediately. At one factor, the lyrics turn sexist when they identify ladies more “tharki” compared to children for salivating over the tea-seller. Directed by Usmais Khan, the songs is produced by a Pakistani band called, “Lil Mafia Mundeer”, and also the tune is called, “Chaiwala– accomplishment. Arshad Khan”. Though it has a really catchy carolers– “Chai wala, Chai wala,” in case you wanted to know– there are some verses that will certainly leave you wincing.
## from http://bit.ly/1OZaCpR
A plane carrying more than 80 people, consisting of members of the Brazilian football team Chapecoense, has collapsed in Colombia according to authorities. Live Brazilian team Chapecoense aboard airplane that crashed over Colombia– most current
A charter airplane lugging 72 people including participants of Brazil’s Chapecoense football team has actually crashed en route to Medellin flight terminal
Learn more
Medellin global flight terminal has actually verified that a charter aircraft was associated with a severe emergency situation on its way to the city.There has actually been no verification of casualties currently although it there were 72 guests as well as 9 staff on board.In a statement, the monitoring and also emergency group at José Maria Córdova airport in Rio , Colombia, stated there had actually been some survivors.
Local media reported that the aircraft was bring participants of the football team Chapecoense from Brazil– a truth later validated by airport authorities.The group was set up to play Copa Sudamerica finals versus Atletico Nacional on Wednesday in Medellin.The plane– a British Aerospace 146 short-haul aircraft– is believed to have started its journey in Sao Paulo, Brazil, at 3.35 pm in the mid-day regional time. It made a drop in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, a dynamic financial center in eastern Bolivia, later on that day prior to establishing off for Colombia.
## from http://bit.ly/1OZaCpR
Cast: Babita Bhatta/Dil Bahadur Thami/Sharan Thami
Camera: Agrim Lama
Edit: Prem Sharma Poudel
Writer/Director: Shankar Adhikari Ghayal
## from http://bit.ly/1OZaCpR
१४ मंसिर, एजेन्सी । कल्पना गर्नुस् कसैको पूर्व गर्लफ्रेन्डका छोरा उसलाई खोज्दै भेटन पुगेमा के कुराकानी हुन्छ होला ! हो सलमान खानले भर्खरै यस्तै अह्ठ्यारोको सामना गर्नु परेको बताइएको छ ।
सलमान खान हिजोआज ‘विग वोस १०’ मा व्यस्त छन् । विग वोसको भित्रको क्रियाकलाप चाखलाग्दो हुन्छ नै । तर, केही दिन पहिले बाहिरको माहौल पनि कम इन्ट्रेस्टिङ देखिएन । जब ९ वर्षपछि पूर्व प्रेमिकाका छोरा सलमान खाज्दै त्याहाँ पुगे ।
यो खबर साच्चैको भए पनि जिवनको गर्लफ्रेन्ड नभएर फिल्मकी प्रेमिका भएकाले सलमानलाई केही भएन । ९ वर्षअघि बनेको फिल्म ‘पार्टनर’ मा सलमानकी पे्रमिकाको भूमिकामा लारा दत्ता थिइन र लाराको छोरा तथा फिल्ममा बालकलाकारका रुपमा अलि हाजीले जिवन्त अभिनय प्रदर्शन गरेका थिए । फिल्मका पिता सलमानलाई भेटन अलि हाजी पुगेका हुन् ।
बालकलाकारका रुपमा पार्टनरलगायत ‘कभि खुसी कभि गम’ ‘फ्यामली’ ‘फना’ ‘तर रम पम्’ ‘माई फ्रेन्ड गणेशा’ मा अलिले गरेको अभिनय अहिले पनि कमैले विर्सेका होलान । ९ वर्षसम्म फिल्मबाट टाढा रहेका अलि सलमानलाई भेटेर फेरि फिल्मी दुनियाँमा फर्कन चाहेको बताइएको छ । हाल अलि १४ वर्षका छन् ।
The post जब पूर्वगर्लफ्रेन्डका छोरा सलमानलाई खोज्दै पुगे … appeared first on Nepali Headlines,Nepal News, Nepali News, News Nepal.
from मनोरञ्जन – Nepali Headlines,Nepal News, Nepali News, News Nepal http://bit.ly/2gQJSBK
Right here is a list of 10 most hazardous roads on the planet. These roadways have high death rates and are incredibly dangerous. The people who live around these areas rely on these roadways for their day-to-day transportation; so consider on your own lucky. Concerning 1.3 million people pass away in traffic mishaps yearly. The World Health and wellness Organization has actually proclaimed 2011-2021, “A decade of action for road security.” However while a lot of those fatalities can be stopped by better driving, there are some roads that check the skill, as well as guts, of any kind of chauffeur.
## from http://bit.ly/1OZaCpR
Nepal is the country with varieties of geographical attributes. In some parts of Nepal there is no also correct roadway to walk.In some part no any kind of automobiles is been reached and also people ought to stroll a miles to stroll over there. Right here is the video of Gorkha Krauja VDC and it is called Yaru Bagar. Below you can see fantastic thing. You can see how individuals are making a means to get to the place. Right here the bridge is been made on the wall of the hill. This is called cantilever bridge, such bridge are well-known in Switerzland and also below in Nepal too you could see it.
This is adhere to capital as well as individuals utilize this way to go occasionally. This looks so d@nger)us yet extremely terrific. This will astonish along with scare individuals. You could see there is nothing down the bridge as well as it is stick on the wall surface like the mommy bring her child. From by doing this the eastern component of individuals of Gorkha comes occasionally as this has actually made them easy to travel. Individuals here were surviving on a scarce yet this bridge has actually made them simple to some extent. Below in this video clip you can see this bridge.
## from http://bit.ly/1OZaCpR
A prankster understood for stretching his antics to extremes has gone one step additionally – by putting two serpents on his girlfriend as she lay in bed.A snake handler unloaded the pythons on the regrettable woman while United States YouTube joker Derek Deso searched.She awoke to Deso advising her: ‘Do not move, there’s 2 ginormous serpents on your back.’The female yelled when she realised just what had actually taken place, requiring her boyfriend ‘get them off’.Yet the prankster simply located the whole experience enjoyable, saying, ‘Oh my God, he’s angry’.
Eventually, the handler took the two pythons back off the bed, but the female proceeded screaming and screamed, ‘That’s not amusing’.There were combined responses to the video clip on social media sites, with some individuals finding the trick amusing yet lots of calling it terrible.One YouTube user wrote: ‘I felt so poor for the lady. She was plainly truly worried of the serpent and also everyone just stood there laughing while she was panicking.’One more person commented: ‘You’re a dreadful sweetheart, I promise individuals take pranks way to much.’Pythons are not venomous, but kill their victim by squashing it with their coils.
## from http://bit.ly/1OZaCpR
१४ मंसिर, काठमाडौं । नायिका अलिया भट्ट (कायरा) जीवनप्रति अत्यन्त निरास थिइन् । उनलाई कसैले जीवन बाँच्ने कला सिकाएपछि जीवन त ‘डियर’ पो लाग्न थाल्यो !
हो, गत शुक्रबारदेखि प्रदर्शनमा आएको बलिउडको एउटा फिल्मको कथा यस्तै छ । पहिले निरासापूर्ण जीवनमा अनायास खुसी आयो र ‘डियर’ जिन्दगी लाग्न थाल्यो । यस्तैविषयवस्तुका कथा भएकोले फिल्मको नाम पनि ‘डियर जिन्दगी’ राखिएको हुनु पर्छ ।
जहाँगिर खान (जग) संगको भेटपछि आलियाले जीवन बाच्ने नयाँ शुत्र फेला पार्छिन । जहाँगिरले नै आलियालाई जीवन जिउने कला सिकाउँछन् र आलिया नयाँ ढैगले जीवनको सुरुआत गर्छिन । त्यसपछि त के जताततै जताजतै खुसी र हौसला तथा प्रेरणा मात्रै प्राप्त हुन्छ ।
जीवन जिउन जान्नुपर्छ र जिउन जानेमा जताततै बहार देखिन्छ भन्ने सन्देश बोकेको चलचित्र ‘डियर जिन्दगी’ ले अहिले राम्रो कमाइ गरिरहेको बताइएको छ । पहिलो दिनमै ८ करोड बढीको कारोवार गरेको यो फिल्मले त्यसपछिका दिनमा झन दर्शकहरूलाई आकर्षितगरिरहेको बताइएको छ ।
गौरी सिंदेद्वारा निर्देशित ‘डियर जिन्दगी’ ले बक्स अफिसमा अरुलाई पछि पारिरहेको छ । आजसम्मकै सबैभन्दा बढी कमाइ गर्ने फिल्ममा यो पर्ने निश्चित भएको बलाकारहरू ने बताउँछन् ।
The post निरास आलियाको जीवन कसरी आयो यो खुसी ? appeared first on Nepali Headlines,Nepal News, Nepali News, News Nepal.
from मनोरञ्जन – Nepali Headlines,Nepal News, Nepali News, News Nepal http://bit.ly/2fZi8a3
१४ मंसिर, काठमाडौं । फायर इन्टरप्राइजेजको व्यानरमा रोजन रखालले निर्माण गरेको फिल्म ‘समर्पण’को फष्टलुक र गीत सार्वजनिक भएको छ । राजधानीमा सोमबार आयोजित कार्यक्रममा चलचित्र विकास बोर्डका अध्यक्ष राजकुमार राईले फिल्मको फष्टलुक सार्वजनिक गरेका हुन् ।
कार्यक्रममा बरिष्ठ कलाकार मोहन निरौलाले पछिल्लो समय ‘छक्का पञ्जा’ लगायतका फिल्महरुको राम्रो प्रर्दशनमा आएको उर्जाले फिल्म निर्माण गर्न हौसला बढेको बताए । उनले सरकारी नियम निकाय अस्पष्टता नभएकाले चलचित्र बिकाश बोर्डले स्पष्ट धारणा बनाउन आग्रह गरे । अर्का बरिष्ठ कलाकार रमेश बुढाथोकीले पनि फिल्मलाई सफलताको शुभकामना ब्यक्त गर्दै फिल्मले दर्शकहरुको चासो बढाउन सकोस भने शुभेच्छा दिएका दिए ।
बोर्डका अध्यक्ष राईले फिल्मलाई सफलताको शुभकामना दिदै नयाँ नयाँ कथामा फिल्महरु निर्माण भैरहेकोमा बिकाश बोर्डले स्वागत योग्य ठानेको बताए । उनले बिज्ञानले दिएको सुबिधा प्रयोग गर्नु पर्नेमा जोड दिदै बिकशित भएको प्रबिधिलाई अपनाउन फिल्मकर्मीहरुलाई आग्रह गरेका थिए । राईले पछिल्लो समयमा फिल्मका नाममा सर्ट फिल्महरु बनाएर युट्युबमा राख्ने चलन बढिरहेकामा त्यसमा सेन्सर गर्ने योजनामा बोर्ड रहेको बताए ।
फिल्मका निर्देशक बसन्त निरौलाले आफूलाई केही मान्छेहरुले भिडियो फिल्म बनाएको आरोप लगाएकोमा आपत्ति जनाउदै फिल्मले साथीभाईको बिषयको कथा उठान गरेको बताए । फिल्ममा नाम नचलेका नयाँ कलाकारहरु रहेपनि उनीहरुले राम्रो काम गरेको र फिल्मलाई बंगलादेशका बिभिन्न रमणिय स्थानमा छायाकन गरेको उल्लेख गरे ।
निर्माता रोजन रखालले राम्रो कथा भएकाले फिल्ममा आफुले लगानी गरेको बताए ।
आगामी १५ पुस गते रिलिज हुने फिल्ममा रोजन रखाल, रञ्जु शर्मा, प्रयास तामाङ, रुवी शर्मा, विश्वास लामा, अमृत शाही ठकुरी, आशा भुषाल, अनु पराजुली, बालकृष्ण बञ्जारा, दीपक थापा र कुमार श्रेष्ठको अभिनय छ । फिल्ममा रोजनलाई बंगलादेशी नागरिक इमरान सिद्धिकीले पनि निर्माणमा सघाएका छन् ।
विश्वास लामाको नृत्य, कुमार महर्जनको द्वन्द्व, टंक बुढाथोकीको संगीत, तारा थापा किम्भे र किरण अधिकारीको सम्पादन रहेको फिल्ममा दिव्य सुवेदीको छायांकन छ । कार्यक्रममा फिल्मको एक आइटम नम्बरको गीत सार्वजनिक गरिएको थियो ।
The post आयो ‘समर्पण’को फष्ट लुक appeared first on Nepali Headlines,Nepal News, Nepali News, News Nepal.
from मनोरञ्जन – Nepali Headlines,Nepal News, Nepali News, News Nepal http://bit.ly/2fGgMA3
काठमाडौं , १४ मंसिर । नेपाली काँग्रेसले सरकारले तयार पारेको संविधान संशोधन विधेयक पारितका लागि प्रमुख प्रतिपक्षी दल र असन्तुष्ट दलहरूसँग छलफल गर्ने भएको छ । संसदीय दलको कार्यालय सिंहदरबारमा बसेको पार्टी पदाधिकारी बैठकले तयार परेको प्रस्तावमा प्रमुख प्रतिपक्षी एमाले र मधेसी मोर्चासँग पनि छलफल गर्ने निर्णय गरेको हो ।
पदाधिकारी बैठकमा सरकारले तयार पारेको संशोधन प्रस्तावमा समेत छलफल भएको थियो । सरकारले तयार पारेको प्रस्तावअनुरूप नै संशोधन प्रक्रियामा सहमति खोज्ने पनि काँग्रेसले निर्णय गरेको छ ।
उपप्रधान एवं गृहमन्त्री विमलेन्द्र निधिका अनुसार संशोधनका लागि सरकारले तयार पारेको प्रस्ताव पार्टी सभापति शेरबहादुर देउवाले पदाधिकारी बैठकमा पेस गरेका थिए । उक्त प्रस्ताव अनुसार नै एमाले र मधेसी मोर्चासँग सहमति गरी प्रस्ताव पारितको समर्थन खोज्ने निर्णय भएको उपप्रधानमन्त्री निधिले जानकारी दिए ।
उपप्रधानमन्त्री निधिले भने, ‘मधेसी मोर्चासँग भएको सहमति अनुसार संविधान संशोधन हुनुपर्छ भन्ने बैठकको निष्कर्ष छ । मधेसी मोर्चा र एमालेसँग पनि परामर्श गरेर प्रस्ताव पारित गराउनका लागि पहल गर्ने निर्णय भयो ।’आजको गोरखापत्र दैनिकमा खबर छ ।
निधिका अनुसार सरकारले संविधान संशोधन मस्यौदा तयार पारिसकेको छ । तयार पारिएको प्रस्ताव अनुसार अहिलेको प्रदेश नम्बर ५ को तराई र पहाडको भूभाग छुट्याउने प्रस्ताव छ । ५ नं। प्रदेशको नवलपरासीको परासीदेखि बर्दियासम्मको भाग र अन्य पहाडी जिल्ला छुट्याउने गरी प्रस्ताव तयार भएको छ ।
- feed news from http://bit.ly/2ejy7iN राष्ट्रिय खबर – rastriyakhabar.com http://bit.ly/2gC5zBk via IFTTT
Purnima Nirdosh and Punam Karki starrer Battho Manche- 29, directed by Harendra Khatri, produced by T.V NEPALI. COM provides the tale of a slave as well as her Madam.Madam’s pompousness and servant’s stubbornness, and also their discussion in regard of the job and also income reveal their illegal partnerships with other people. Such steady unfolding of truth of their true character surprises as well as amuses the target markets.
The factors that the slave gives for the increment of her wage, indeed, shows both of their recklessness and also weak point, that, undoubtedly, brings the audiences closer to the screen. Even their way of putting on clothing and also conversation to one another amaze us.
For such factors, if you wish to release your anxiety, stress and concern, please visit us and also keep on seeing such funny video clips on youtube Network tv Nepali.
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- feed news from http://bit.ly/2ejy7iN राष्ट्रिय खबर – rastriyakhabar.com http://bit.ly/2gyMX5q via IFTTT
Baal Ho…( Straight Outta Dallas)
Artist: Swami D & PSPN, Suni Sakya
Actors: Umesh, Dipesh, Ray, Mara, Kayla, Karen, Audelia, Carlee, Sydney, Bonnie, Ashley MUA: Soniya Bhari Bajracharya, Alayza Casey
Cinematographer: Mark Montgomery
Executive Producer : Jay Shrestha
Direction/ Edit/ Color : Bikash Baraily
## from http://bit.ly/1OZaCpR
The eldest kid of papa Mohan Prasad as well as mommy Madhumaya Oli, KP Oli lost his mommy at the age of four to smallpox which was spread out like an epidemic after that. After the fatality of his mommy, Oli’s grandmother Rammaya had actually brought him up.Prime Minister Oli’s childhood name was Dhruba. While registering in institution, his moms and dads transformed his name to Khadga Prasad. He examined approximately the 5th grade at neighborhood Pranami Middle School.
Inning accordance with his childhood pals, KP Oli was a smart child from the get go as well as had a sharp mind. He suched as playing chess and also motivated others to take up the video game as it assisted in brain growth, they recall.Besides, Oli additionally enjoyed playing football and also utilized to make balls out of rags. He was good at racking up objectives after effective dribbles, his youth good friend and also distant nephew Padam Prasad Oli claimed. Those days, he liked composing patriotic rhymes and reading those to close friends, Padam Prasad proceeded.
With assistance from communist leader Ramnath Dahal, Oli moved to Jhapa in 1963 at the age of 12. Dahal was later killed in Sukhani Murders. Having actually been influenced by Marxist as well as Leninist approaches, Oli went into communist national politics in 1966.
## from http://bit.ly/1OZaCpR
Gregg Valentino is just one of one of the most debatable yet prominent bodybuilding symbols, thought about by some as the biggest bodybuilder ever. He started bodybuilding at the age of 13. After over 23 years of training naturally Gregg chose to explore steroids. Throughout this time his arms expanded from an impressive 100% natural 21 ″ to an in-human 28 ″. However after years of steroids shots, his body finally resisted: his bicep “took off.”Well known for his freakish size, german Markus Rühl is a previous IFBB specialist bodybuilder. He has several of the largest shoulders in bodybuilding background, as well as is one of the greatest bodybuilders to life in addition to Johnnie O. Jackson as well as Ronnie Coleman.Born Could 13, 1964 in Bastrop, Louisiana, Coleman is a retired American specialist bodybuilder who shares the document of eight straight success as Mr. Olympia. He additionally holds the record for most success as an IFBB specialist with 26 success. Coleman finished Orgasm Laude from Grambling State College with a degree in audit.
## from http://bit.ly/1OZaCpR
## from http://bit.ly/1OZaCpR
Solukhumbu is one of the 75 areas in Nepal. It collects most of the 3300 glaciers as well as 2300 artic lakes of the nation. Residents witness substantial climatic modifications in the Everest area. The most striking being the rapid glacier economic downturn, which have actually given birth to brand-new lakes where there was just ice and also snow. Those lakes are a danger for the population, natural bombs, ready to explode. If the water overflows, it will certainly sweep away residents, bridges, houses and also villages. neglect tags: bbc documentary BBC documentaries complete episodes complete size history sciense saudi arabia area subbtitles MegaQuake The United States and Canada nature world pets bbc perspective top gear northh korea dubai iraq iran syria welcome to india beast The Fantastic Euro Crisis facebook google youtube internet bill entrances steve tasks apple iphone samsung galaxy s4 british sony las vegas london kingdom the very best top 10 leading 15 20 Documentary BBC Perspective 2013 The Truth Concerning Character HD blackhole to unsightly for love.
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शाहरुख खान र आलिया भट्टको ‘डियर जिन्दगी’ले बक्समा अफिसमा निकै आक्रामक शुरुवात गरेको छ। भारतमा पाँच सय र एक हजारको नोटमा लागेको प्रतिबन्धका कारण डगमगाएको दैनिकीका बाबुजुद चलचित्रले तीन दिनमा ६० करोड भारतिय रुपैया भन्दा माथिको शान्दार व्यापार गरेको छ ।
बलिउड बक्स अफिस एनालिस्ट तरण आदर्शले जनाए अनुसार चलचित्रले शुक्रबार, शनिवार र आइतबार गरेर भारतमा ३२ करोड पचास लाख भारुको व्यापार गरेको छ। यसै गरि चलचित्रले भारत बाहिर पनि निकै सफलता हात पारिसकेको छ।
भारत बाहेकाका अन्य देशबाट चलचित्रले २७ करोड ४५ लाख भारुको कमाई गरिसकेको छ।
समग्रमा चलचित्रले करिब ६० करोडको व्यापार गरिसकेको छ ।
चलचित्र डियर जिन्दगीलाई गौरी शिन्देले निर्देशन गरेकी हुन्। उनि यसअघि चलचित्र इंगलिश भिंगलिशलाई निर्देशन गरेर चर्चामा आएकी थिइन् ।
चलचित्र ‘डियर जिन्दगी’ शाहरुख खानको रेड चिलिज इन्टरटेनमेन्ट र करण जोहरको धर्मा प्रोडक्सनको जोइन्ट भेन्चर हो। निर्माता करण जोहरले शाहरूख खान, आलिया भट्ट र निर्देशक गौरी शिन्देको जोडीलाई ब्रेभ, ब्युटिफुल र ब्रिलियन्ट भन्दै प्रंशसा गरेका छन्
Abundant love for this gorgeous trio!!!! @gauris @aliaa08 @iamsrk…..brave….beautiful and brilliant…. heartfelt gratitude to all of you http://pic.twitter.com/VObft2bjqZ
— Karan Johar (@karanjohar) November 26, 2016
The post डियर जिन्दगी-शाहरुख खानको धमाका, तीन दिनमा ६० करोड appeared first on Nepali Headlines,Nepal News, Nepali News, News Nepal.
from मनोरञ्जन – Nepali Headlines,Nepal News, Nepali News, News Nepal http://bit.ly/2gx6ZRu
Keki Adhikariis a Nepalese actress and also a specialist version. She has shown up in various music videos, television commercials, print advertisements and more than a lots of Nepali movies.She began her job featuring in a number of video prior to making it into the silver screen. She made her acting launching with Swor other Raj Ballav Koirala. She ultimately earned large acknowledgment for her performances in I Am Sorry, Masan, Mayako Barima, Mahasus, Biteka Friend as well as Mero Best Friend.She just recently made her debut in cinema with historical play Chaarumati, composed by author and also a scientist Satyamohan Joshi.Keki Adhikari has actually finished with a MBA level in Human Resources Monitoring from KFA business school in Kathmandu in 2016. She had done her bachelors in organisation in 2013 from Tribhuvan University. Keki did her education from Bal Sirjanalaya College in Kathmandu. She did her plus-two from Whitehouse College. She did her bachelors in Bachelor in Info Monitoring (BIM) from Prime University.
## from http://bit.ly/1OZaCpR
Yog expert Baba Ramdev on Thursday said that Nepalis living abroad as well as politicians in the house would certainly be well respected just if the country ends up being flourishing.”Financial empowerment is the only thing Nepal have to desire,” he worried while inaugurating the Patanjali Aayurved Udhyog worth Rs 1.5 billion in Prasauni of Bara district on Thursday.
Meanwhile, Head of state Bidya Devi Bhandari, that had enhanced the function, kept in mind that the newly-inaugurated industry would certainly additionally reinforce ties in between the Nepal as well as India and would additionally contribute in the agricultural growth in Nepal.
## from http://bit.ly/1OZaCpR
Just what do you do if you find your husband messaging various other women online? For one Chinese wife, the answer was straightforward. Make your husband put on a sanitary napkin on his head and also a pink bra– after that get him to apologise while kneeling on some spiny Durian fruit. Go, sibling! The male claims in the video shared to Miaopai,” I admit that I slipped up. I should not have sent my private photos through Wechat. ‘I spoke to several ladies. I stated something I should not have said,’ The lady states,” I asked you to kneel down, and do you follow my commands?” I want to receive an extreme penalty,’ the man says– before finally collapsing as well as stating, ‘my dear partner, these are all durian skins. I just can not stand it any longer.
## from http://bit.ly/1OZaCpR
The leopard is just one of the 5 “big cats” in the category Panthera. Leopards are understood for their capacity in climbing, and also they are effective swimmers. They choose their victim concentrating on little herds, dense habitat, as well as reduced danger of injury, choosing prey weights of 10 to 40 kg such as impala, chital, bushbuck, as well as typical dicker with a typical body weight of 25 kg. Below in this video clip we can see the Leopard trying to prey the Python. Python are non poisonous serpent but really huge in size and looks really dangerous, they utilize their sharp, backward-curving teeth, four rows in the upper jaw, 2 in the reduced, to prey. Below we could see the fight and also battle in between these two animal.
This video is drawn from Animal Earth, where the habits and also various types of pets are being included in the video clip. Similarly right here there is a video of Leopard as well as Python. This video clip is really impressive as well as frightening. We can see the leopard here in terms of preying the python. It is aiming to eliminate the python. It is taking a great deal of time, it gets hold of the neck of the python on his mouth however could not kill the python and the python getting away and also protecting himself enter into the fish pond.
## from http://bit.ly/1OZaCpR
काठमाडौँ । राष्ट्रिय प्रजातन्त्र पार्टीले संसदीय दलका नेतामा कमल थापालाई चयन गरेको छ ।
सो पार्टीको संसदीय दलको आज बसेको बैठकले दलका उपनेतामा आपूर्तिमन्त्री समेत रहनुभएका दीपक बोहरालाई चयन गरेको छ । संसदीय दलका अन्य पदाधिकारी भने छिट्टै चयन हुने संसदीय दलका प्रमुख सचेतक दिलनाथ गिरीले जानकारी दिनुभयो ।
बैठकले सरकारले संविधानका विषयमा आफ्नो दललाई हालसम्म आधिकारिक रुपमा कुनै प्रस्ताव नगरेको र कुन विषयमा कसरी अगाडि बढ्ने भन्ने विषयमा छलफल नगरेका कारण आधिकारिक प्रस्ताव आएपछि निर्णय गर्ने बताएको छ ।
सरकारले आधिकारिक रुपमा प्रस्ताव दर्ता गराएपछि संविधान संशोधनका विषयमा आवश्यक निर्णय गरिने प्रमुख सचेतक गिरीले जानकारी दिनुभयो । बैठकले आगामी माघमा हुने पार्टी महाधिवेशन सफल पार्न र सङ्गठन निर्माणलाई गति दिन सबै नेता तथा कार्यकर्ता परिचालन हुने निर्णय समेत गरेको छ ।
- feed news from http://bit.ly/2ejy7iN राष्ट्रिय खबर – rastriyakhabar.com http://bit.ly/2gxgD2O via IFTTT
१३ मंसिर, एजेन्सी । भारतीय टेभी शो ‘बिग बोस’ का एक सहभागिप्रति क्रुद्ध हुँदै आइटम गर्ल राखी सावन्तले उसलाई नाङ्गै डुलाउने बताएकी छिन् ।
एक अन्तरवार्तामा राखीले बिग बोसका एक सहभागी स्वामी ओमजीलाई यसरी नाङ्गै डुलाउने कुरा बताएकी हुन् । राखी स्वामी ओमजीद्वारा महिलाहरुको क्यारेक्टरमाथी गरिएको कमेन्ट्सलाई दिएर क्रोधित छिन् । उनले भनिन्, ‘म बिग बोसको घरमा गएर स्वामीजीलाई क्लास दिन चाहन्छु । स्वामीजी वृद्ध महिलाहरुको क्यारेक्टरमाथी कमेन्ट गरिरहन्छन् । को हुन् उनी रु कोही जर्ज हुन् र रु कपडा चोरेर फ्याक्न चाहिन्छु ढोका भन्दा बाहिर ।’
राखीले अगाडी भनिन्, ‘म स्वामीजीको कपडा चोरेर न्यूड घुमाउन चाहन्छु । म उनको कपडा पर्खालभन्दा बाहिर फ्यालिदिन्छु र उनलाई भन्छु कि जाउँ र खोजेर ल्याउँ । जब उनी सुतिरहेका हुन्छन् तब म उनको कपाल काट्न पनि सक्छु । थाहा छैन शो मेकर्सले कुन गुफाबाट यि बाबालाई समातेर ल्याएका हुन ।’
The post रिसले आगो हुँदै राखी भन्छिन् –‘त्यसलाई नाङ्गै कुदाउँछु’ appeared first on Nepali Headlines,Nepal News, Nepali News, News Nepal.
from मनोरञ्जन – Nepali Headlines,Nepal News, Nepali News, News Nepal http://bit.ly/2gxhcd1
१३ मंसिर, काठमाडौं । ‘निर जहिले रिसाउनी…’ बोलको गीतले अहिले उधुमै मच्चाएको छ । घर, सडक, चियापसल जताततै यो गीत नवजेको कहीँ छैन । कतिपय समारोहमा त यो गीत नवजे खल्लो मान्ने गरेका छन् । ‘पिरतीको छाता…’ पछि ‘निर जहिले रिसाउनी..’ ले नेपालीको मन छुन सकेको हो ।
त्यसैका कारण पनि होला यही गीत समावेश भएको चलचित्र ‘पुरानो डुङ्गा’ शुक्रबारदेखि ददर्शनमा आउँदा अहिले हलहरू भरिभराउ छन् । सिंगल पर्दा होस वा मल्टिमेक्स यो फिल्म हेर्नेको घुइचोले हलहरूमा खुट्टा राख्ने ठाउँ छैन । भदौरे भेल झैं दर्शकको भेल उर्लदा यो चलचित्रले डेढ करोडको व्यापार गरेको बताइन्छ ।
नेपालमा सर्वाधिक सफल चलचित्र ‘छक्का पञ्जा’ लाई मानिएको छ । यसले अहिलेसम्म १३ करोडको व्यापार गरिसकेको बताइएको छ । प्रदर्शनको दुई दिनमै दर्शकको आकर्षण हेर्दा ‘पुरानो डुङ्गा’ ले ‘छक्का पञ्जा’लाई पछि पार्न नसके पनि हाराहारीमा पुग्ने सहजै अनुमान लगाउन सकिन्छ ।
चलचित्र हिट हुन गीतको महत्वपूर्ण योगदान हुन्छ भन्ने प्रमाणित भएको छ । यसअघि ‘पिरतीको छाता ओढाउन…’ बोल गीत पनि चलचित्र प्रदर्शनमा आउनुभन्दा पहिलेनै हिट भएको थियो । चलचित्र ‘रेशम फिलीली’ ११ वैशाख ०७२ मा प्रदर्शनमा आएको थियो १२ गतेनै भूकम्पमा कारण चलचित्र नराम्ररी प्रभावित भए पनि लगानी सेभ गरेको बताइन्छ । ‘पिरती छाता..’ हेर्न दर्शकको ओइरो लागेकाले दुई दिनमा लगानी सेभ गर्न सम्भव भएको थियो । अहिले ‘पुरानो डुङ्गा’को यस्तै अवस्था छ ।
दर्शकहरुबाट मिश्रित प्रतिक्रिया पाएको पुरानो डुङ्गामा दयाहाङ राई, प्रियंका कार्की, माओत्से गुरुङ, मेनुका प्रधानको मुख्य भूमिका रहेको छ । चलचित्रलाई रौनक विक्रम कँडेल, ओम चन्द्र रौनियार र धन बहादुर गुरुङले निर्माण गरेका हुन भने कार्यकारी निर्माता बाल्मिकी पोख्रेल र अर्जुन कार्की हुन् । चलचित्रलाई रामबाबु गुरुङ्गले निर्देशन गरेका हुन् ।
The post ‘ निर जहिले….’ ले तान्यो दर्शक appeared first on Nepali Headlines,Nepal News, Nepali News, News Nepal.
from मनोरञ्जन – Nepali Headlines,Nepal News, Nepali News, News Nepal http://bit.ly/2fD1099
१३ मंसिर, काठमाडौं । निर्माता छविराज ओझासंगको सम्वन्धले पनि निक्कै चर्चामा रहेकी नायिका शिल्पा पोखरेलको हेर्दा हेर्दै जीवन शैलीमा ठूलै परिवर्तन आएको छ ।
छविराज प्रोडक्सनको ब्यानरमा निर्माण भएको चलचित्र ‘लज्जा’ बा रजतपटमा आएकी शिल्पाले यो फिल्म हिट भएकाले जीवन शैलीमै परिवर्तन ल्याएको छ । हुनत शिल्पाले यसअघि पनि सयौं म्युजिक भिडिओमा मोडलिङ गरिसकेकी थिइन् । उनी एक सफल मोडल पनि हुन् ।
क्ेही दिनअघिसम्म स्कुटीमा यात्रा गर्ने नायिका शिल्पाले भर्खरै कार किनेकी छन् । ख्ध् उययि ज्ञ।ट नामको उनले किनेको रातो कारको मुल्य ३० लाख बताएकी छन् । उनी भन्छिन् ‘अहिले १० लाख मात्र दिएको छु । चाडै नयाँ फिल्ममा पनि लगानी गर्नु पर्ने भएकाले सबै रमक एकैचोटी दिन सकिन ।’
शनिबार उनले आफ्नो नयाँ रातो कारलाई पुजाआजा गर्दै घर भित्राएकी छिन् । उनले फेसबुकमा फोटो पोष्ट गर्दै लेखेकी छिन्, ‘मेरो नयाँ साथी’ ।
नेपाली चलचित्रमा क्रमश व्यस्तता बढ्दै गएपछि नायिका पोख्रेलले कारको खाँचो देखेकी हुन । आफ्नै स्कुटरमा निर्माता छविराज ओझालाई घर र अफिस पर्याउँदै आएकी शिल्पाले अब छविराज ओझालाई कारमै राखेर घर र अफिस पर्याउनेछिन् । चाँडै छविराज ओझासँग लगनगाँठो कस्न लागेकी शिल्पाले लज्जापछि हवल्दार सुन्तली, फागु, वृन्दावन, किस्मत २ चलचित्रमा काम गरिसकेकी छिन् ।
The post बदलियो शिल्पाको जीवन शैली appeared first on Nepali Headlines,Nepal News, Nepali News, News Nepal.
from मनोरञ्जन – Nepali Headlines,Nepal News, Nepali News, News Nepal http://bit.ly/2fUudgU
१३ मंसिर, एजेन्सी।
बलिउडका नायक सलमान खानकी कथित गर्लफ्रेन्ड यूलिया भन्तुर भारत फर्केकी छिन्।
करिब तीन महिना पछि यूलिया भारत फर्केकी हुन। रोमानियाको एक मिडियामा दिएको अन्तर्वाताको क्रममा यूलियाले भारतको संस्कृतिमा भिज्न आफ्नो जीवनशैली परिवर्तन गर्नुपर्ने संकेत दिएकी थिइन। यो अन्तर्वार्ता बाहेक सलमान-यूलिया सम्बन्धको खबर मिडियामा खासै चर्चामा रहेन। यी दुवैले आफ्नो सम्बन्धको बारेमा अहिलेसम्म केही बोलेका छैनन।
तर सलमान र यूलियाको सम्बन्ध सकिएको चर्चा बिच यूलिया लुसुक्क भारत आइपुगेकी हुन। सलमान र यूलिया बिच ब्रेकअप भने नभएको भारतीय मिडिया लेख्छन्।
यूलिया र सलमान बिच अब फेरी सम्बन्ध अगाडी बढ्ने अनुमान बिच यता सलमानका फ्यानले यूलियाको धज्जी उडाएका छन्। इन्टाग्राममा ‘Bitch vantur’ नामको एकाउन्टमा सलमानको कुनै एक फ्यानले यूलियाका भद्धा तस्बिरहरु अपलोड गरेका छन्।
हेर्नुस् यूलियाका यस्ता तस्बिर अपलोड गरिएका छन्:
The post सलमानको फ्यानद्वारा यूलियामाथी हमला, यूलियाका भद्धा तस्बिर सार्वजनिक appeared first on Nepali Headlines,Nepal News, Nepali News, News Nepal.
from मनोरञ्जन – Nepali Headlines,Nepal News, Nepali News, News Nepal http://bit.ly/2glY6Hq
Among the American Skydiver on the world of feat is been able to keep the world record. He is the very first individual to dive without parachute from 25000 feet. He is 24 years of ages and also on Saturday when he was maintaining the document at Sivin Valley at The golden state his partner and 4 years old child was viewing him. According to everyday mail prior to getting out from plane he was been asked to use the parachute yet he informed that he will use parachute but he wont open it but when he reached to 25000 feet he kept the parachute in side and leapt from there. He informed that if he utilized parachute than it would certainly be hard to get on the 100/ 100 feet web. His feat was been done obey Fox tv as well.
He did skies dive along with his 3 pals as well as all those 3 buddies opened up the parachute yet he was single person there who really did not used parachute. His loss was for 2 minutes, prior to landeding on web he ended up his back, every people were clapping at him as well as they did his welcome with claps. He later on composed in his condition that if you obtain good training than you can do any kind of sorts of work.He has done 18 thousands jumps currently and he has actually done stunt on Ironman 3 movie. He previously jumping informed that if i was not been afraid than I would be fool. He did the experiment for 1 weeks but he did those experiments on parachute. This is such a fantastic points and he seems to be one of the most endure as well as bold man of the globe.
## from http://bit.ly/1OZaCpR
Timi jane siliguri is a famous Song by Bipul Chettri. The Alexander Nepali that is a time traveller immigrant living in Nepal tried to sing a song.Music of Nepal mentions the various musical kinds heard in Nepal. With greater than fifty ethnic celebrations, the songs of the country is extremely numerous. Kinds like pop, shake, Nep-bounce ko bato, culture, and Symphonic music are generally located, yet countless less standard categories are yet to be inventoried.
Rap in addition every now and then shows up on the Nepalese songs representations. A number of the country’s musical groups are positioned in Kathmandu– specifically the late ones concentrated on pop as well as shak.Neplese Songs Contain various music type of Nepal. With more than fifty ethnic culture, the music of this country is an exceptionally scattered marvel. In spite of that kinds like pop, shake, culture, and Classical music exist, a massive variety of such categories are yet to be inventoried. Countless music groups exist in Nepal, with a significant number in Kathmandu– the large bulk of the late ones centered in pop and shake.
## from http://bit.ly/1OZaCpR
Goose are one type of bird that could fly along with walk. In this video you could see something so fantastic. These days social site has actually gotten lots of appeal, many individuals are acquiring the focus as well as popularity with the methods of social site.This is the taking place case of Houston which got appeal on the various social website as well as the video clip along with the image is obtaining viral.
A Houston area woman obtained fairly terrified from a mom goose over the weekend and back then her neighbor broke the photos of the scary inc!dent. Her sibling compared to tweeted and also have actually since gone viral in the different social websites.
In this video clip you could see a five years ole Summertime Yard is envisioned in this images. Stevie, Summertime web cam throughout and injured gosling Sunday and was tending to it.This is the video clip loaded with the pictures snapped by the next-door neighbor where you can see just how a goose is assaulting that little woman. Stevie uploaded the pictures on her Twitter account which is getting viral where this images had more than 47,000 re-tweets and 62,000 likes. This is the video clip which obtained viral in the social
## from http://bit.ly/1OZaCpR
Piyah Martell, a transgender is star teen birthed with Caudal Regression Disorder i.e she was birthed with the tiny legs and could not walk with them.She is 19-year-old as well as strolls on her hands, additionally movies herself performing music videos of tunes by divas like Mariah Carey and Beyonce.Despite of her abnormality, she did not quit to chase her dream. She revealed her parents regarding her sort for dressing as a lady at the age of 15 as well as began to do as her sort and also wants. Then, she developed into Piyah from Pedro Martell. She also got to have an injury of loosing her mommy at very early age of 7.
he says that she felt that there is a great deal distinction between her and also other people at the 6-year-old. She was harassed by kids at her school however her step-mother treated her as an actual child. She also could not understand that she is various with the reward from her step-mom. Inning accordance with her, it took her a very long time to discover how to take pride in who she is.And also the outcome after that awareness is significant. She is now a hot star on You Tube, Facebook as well as Myspace. Piyah has actually created her very own world of music and performance.
## from http://bit.ly/1OZaCpR
१२ मंसिर, एजेन्सी ।
बलिउडमा सलमान खानकी पूर्व प्रेमिकाकोरुपमा चिनिने क्याट्रिना कैफ र रणबीर कपुरको पुनः प्याचअप भएको खवरले बलिउडमा पुनः चर्चा पाइरहेको छ । तर यही समयमा क्याट्रिना भने मालदिब्समा विदा मनाउँदै छिन् ।
एमाले सडकमाः संशोधन प्रस्तावको विरोधमा नारायणगढमा प्रदर्शन
माल्दिब्समा डिजाइनर मनीष मल्होत्रासँग उनले सार्वजनिक गरेको तस्विरले यतिबेला बलिउडमा हेडलाइन बनाएको छ ।
मनीषले आफ्नो इन्स्टाग्राममा क्याट्रिना सहितको तस्विर सार्वजनिक गरेपछि यो बलिउड मसाला बनेको हो ।
क्याट्रिनाले पनि फेसबुकमा तस्विर सार्वजनिक गर्दै एक ब्राण्डको विज्ञापन सुट गर्न माल्दिब्स पुगेको जानकारी दिएकी छिन् ।
ब्रेकअप पछिको पिडा भुलाउने क्याट्रिनाको यस्तो आइडिया!
The post कसको काखमा बसिन् सलमान खानकी पूर्व प्रेमिका ? appeared first on Nepali Headlines,Nepal News, Nepali News, News Nepal.
from मनोरञ्जन – Nepali Headlines,Nepal News, Nepali News, News Nepal http://bit.ly/2guL0ac
In 1979 when Muni Shakya initially made a microcomputer in Nepal with UK-made microprocessor in addition to the Hex as well as ASCII keypad, Video Interface board as well as particularly designed power supply together with the Serial I/O user interface board, it was past my understanding that this might sharpen a cravings of several young students to enter into computer technology and engineering as their future profession.
This was additionally highlighted and also strengthened extra after Shakya had shown black box CPM computer with National Anthem in Nepali on the yellow display of indigenously constructed microcomputer in 1983. IBM started constructing individual microcomputers with PCDOS only in 1981 followed by MS DOS, the brainchild of Costs Gates. Muni is CEO of Advanced Pioneer (HTP) R & D also has efficiently accomplished the computerized outdoors control by human voice. Various electric devices are activated and off by basic voice commands to the microphone affixed to the computer. The computer system is identifying the commands in Nepali and English as well as different jobs are performs immediately this way, the hand-operated task performed with mere voice commands.
## from http://bit.ly/1OZaCpR
Below is hilarious as well as awkward minute of an old man at public.This video clip footage is of some public program where individuals are having fun with the dance as well as appreciating their minutes with the dance. But among the old male seems in another level of enjoyment. He is making a kiss with a females in the middle of dancing at public.Females is feeling unpleasant and epic keeping that old male. Though, she is letting her all these emotions with the dance.
But that old male is appears really angry as well as excited with the minute. He is going on with his this impressive act though that females is refusing him. A females is making a range with him as well as refusing to dance with him but an old guy is getting so timely as well as kissing a women time and again at public openly while dancing. Nonetheless, females is really feeling shame with that kiss but not showing her embrace feelings in that center of the crowd.People are chuckling as well as staring that uncomfortable minute of an old man at public. Some are feeling shy as well as some of individuals are having enjoyment with the unexpected kiss of that old man to a ladies at public.
## from http://bit.ly/1OZaCpR
Trick videos are on trend these days, people likes to earn out fun of others. Thye enjoys to puzzle and also puzzle them as well as make their joke. Prank is something like that, people creates different suggestions to deceive as well as puzzle other individuals with their pet cat, some individuals obtains fool, some snaps, some make them mislead instead.Here Pranskster Nepal offers a trick on which you can see how the guy is making other people trick. In this video clip you can see some children showing up on the road. He is obstructing individuals away. He is doing the act like tiening shoelace of the shoe.
He is doing it mainly with ladies on that particular road. He goes close to them blocks their means and flexes down as well as simulate tiening the shoe. You could see just how people reacted on their act, a lot of the people are obtaining shocked as something is obstructing while they are walking on their method. This appears very entertaining, the majority of girl are shocked like a person is teasing them. However they after doing that provides smile as well as reaction that they have been captured on this video clip. And the final video is below.
## from http://bit.ly/1OZaCpR
One of the really enjoyable program Funny Hostel which was just started prior to couple of months is marking as one of the most effective comedy show. Four Funny artists along with one special guest do lots of communication which is very fun to see. Online program NKTV started the program few times back and currently it’s already preferred amongst people. Customers are rapidly raising in extremely brief amount of time.
Though the program is about 40 to 45 minutes we will not regreat enjoying it. One reputed personality is called and four artists engage with them in uproarious way feasible. They not simply asked questions connected to their individual and specialist life but ask in such an amusing way which thrills the audiences. Having really different and special idea, ‘Funny Hostel’ has high opportunity of making a great place in media background. The show is transmitted every Tuesday at 5 PM from the You Tube Network NKTV. The program is routed by Nabaraj Khada.
## from http://bit.ly/1OZaCpR
१२ मंसिर, एजेन्सी । बलिउड नायिकाहरूको सुन्दरताको लाखौं फ्यान रहेका छन् । तर, के तपाईं लाई थाहा छ, यसरी राम्री देखिन उनीहरूले कति कस्ता प्रयोग गर्छन ? आफूलाई आकर्षक देखाउन उनीहरूले प्लाष्टिक सर्जरीसम्मको सहारा लिएका छन् । तर, आजसम्म यो कुरालाई कुनै पनि हिरोइनले स्वीकार गरेका छैनन् । कसले कुन अंग सच्याए ?
१) अनुष्का शर्मा – अनुष्का शर्मा बलिउडभन्दा पहिले जब ‘कफी विथ करण’ नामको टिभी शोमा देखिइन् तब उनको ओठलाई लिएर धेरैले खिसी गरे । उनले ओठको सर्जरी गराएको चर्चाले पछि सामाजिक सञ्जालमा निक्कै चर्चा पायो । तर, उनले आफ्नो ट्वीटर ह्यान्डल मार्फत यस कुरालाई पुरे अस्वीकार गरिन । उनले भनिन् ‘मेकअपकै कारण मेरो ओठमा परिवर्तन आएको हो ।’ उनको यो बदलिएको रूपले केही केही त पक्कै गरेकै हो भन्ने संदेश दिन्छ ।
२) प्रियंका चोपरा – बलिउडदेखि हलिउडसम्म तहल्का मच्चाउने नायिका प्रियंका चोपराले पनि अप्रेशन गरेर आफ्नो नाकलाई हल्का ठाडो र स्लिम बनाएकी छन् । तर, उनले पनि मेकअप कै कारण यस्तो देखिएको बताउदै अप्रेशनलाई अस्वीकार गरेकी छन् ।
३) शिल्पा सेट्टी – शिल्पाको पहिले र अहिलेको रूप, रैगमा आकास, पतालको फरक देखिन्छ । यसका लागि शिल्पाले कयौं पटक सर्जरी गराएको बताइनछ । तर, उनी पनि अन्य नायिकाजस्तै यसलाई इन्कार गर्छिन ।
४) कंगना रनौत – बलिउडकी ‘क्विन’ का रुपमा चिनिने कंगना रनौतको त पहिले र अहिलेको अनुहारमा आमुल परिवर्तनजस्तै देखिन्छ । उनले सन् २०११ मै अनुहार र नाकको सर्जरी गराएको बताइन्छ । उनले पनि अन्य नायिकाजस्तै यसलाई स्वीकार गर्दिनन् । तर, कंगनाको पहिले र अहिलेको नाक, ओठ तथा निधारको लुक्समा आएको परिवर्तनले केही त पक्के गरेकै हो भन्ने प्रष्ट हुन्छ ।
५) ऐश्वर्या राय – भारतमा मात्र होइन विश्वकै सुन्दरीको ताजनै जितेकी ऐश्वर्या रायले पनि राम्री देखिन सर्जरीको सहायता लिएको बताइन्छ । उनले गाला र जां लाइनको सर्जरी गराएकी बताइएको छ ।
The post थाहा पाउनुस्, बलिउडकी नायिका राम्री देखिनुका कारण appeared first on Nepali Headlines,Nepal News, Nepali News, News Nepal.
from मनोरञ्जन – Nepali Headlines,Nepal News, Nepali News, News Nepal http://bit.ly/2gtZVoA
१२ मंसिर, एजेन्सी।
पाकिस्तानकी चर्चित थिएटर एक्ट्रेस किस्मत बैगको गोली हानी हत्या भएको छ। अज्ञात व्यक्तिले पाकिस्तानको लाहोरमा नायिकाको खुट्टा, हात र पेटमा ११ गोली हानेको बताइएको छ। प्रहरीले किस्मतको हत्याको पछाडी उनको कुनै अज्ञात प्रेमी भएको अनुमान गरेको छ। अहिलेसम्म हत्या कसले गरेको कुनै जानकारी भने पत्ता लागिसकेको छैन
घटना भएको रात किस्मत एक शो मा सहभागी भई घर फर्किदैँ थिइन। उनको कार ड्राइभरले चलाइरहेको थियो। ड्राइभरलाई पनि गोली लागेको र उनको स्वास्थ्य स्थिति स्थिर रहेको बताइएको छ। घटना पश्चात ड्राइभरले नै किस्मतलाई अस्पताल पुर्याएको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ। तर रगत निकै बगिसकेको कारण किस्मतको मृत्यु भइसकेको थियो।
प्रहरीलाई दिएको बयानमा ड्राइभरले भने, ‘एक आक्रमणकारी गोली हान्दै भन्दै थियो कि किस्मत अब तँ कहिल्यै नाच्न पाउँदिनस्।’ ती आक्रमणकारी किस्मतलाई पर्खेर पहिले देखी नै थिएटरको बाहिर बसको प्रहरीले बताएको छ।
पहिले पनि दुई पटक टारगेट
किस्मतलाई पहिले पनि दुई पटक टारगेट गरिएको थियो। प्रारम्भिक रिपोर्ट अनुसार किस्मत फैसलावादका हुनै उद्योगीसंघ सम्बन्धमा थिइन। छिटै प्रहरीले ती व्यक्ति अनि किस्मतको परिवारको बयान लिनेछ।
The post ‘अब कहिल्यै नाच्न पाउँदिस्’ भन्दै नायिकाको ११ गोली हानी हत्या appeared first on Nepali Headlines,Nepal News, Nepali News, News Nepal.
from मनोरञ्जन – Nepali Headlines,Nepal News, Nepali News, News Nepal http://bit.ly/2fDOglQ